news   Dr. Hala El-Hawari: Start your own successful Real Estate Project    


Cairo August, 2010 - Magazine article from Godraan, Issue 5:

Godraan (Pdf)


  news   Management is an Ethics    


Cairo July, 2010 - newspaper article from 08.07.2010 Al Gomhuria:

Al Gomhuria (Pdf)


  news   Dr. Hala El-Hawari: The transition from recession to boom is not a miracle    


Cairo July, 2010 - newspaper article from 01.07.2010 Al Gomhuria:

Al Gomhuria (Pdf)


  news   We are not a pressure group to anyone and we have a vision serves the National Economy    


Cairo March, 2010 - newspaper article from 09.03.2010 Almougaz al Ektsady:

Almougaz al Ektsady(Pdf)


  news   Financial Vision: "A missing Circle" By Dr. Hala El-Hawari    


Cairo March, 2010 - newspaper article from 02.03.2010 Business AL yom:

Business Al yom(Pdf)


  news   Fears of the effect of lower foreign investment inflows to the tourism sector.    


Cairo February, 2010 - newspaper article from 28.02.2010 Al amwal:


Al amwal (Pdf)


  news   Junior Businessmen offer Future Vision for SME's.    


Cairo February, 2010 - newspaper article from 09.02.2010 Business AL yom:

Business Al yom(Pdf)


  news   Partners in Development.    


Cairo January, 2010 - newspaper article from 05.01.2010 Business AL yom:

Business Al yom(Pdf)


  news   Christoph and Caterina in El Sawy Culturewheel.    


Cairo December, 2009 - newspaper article from Al Gomhuria:



  news   An initiative to improve consultancy companies.    


Cairo November, 2009 - newspaper article from 24.11.2009 Business AL yom:


  news   Young businessmen: "we do not seek government adminstration positions, and if it happens the government is the soul beneficiary "


Cairo November, 2009 - magazine article from 14.11.2009 Ros alyosef:

Ros alyosef(Pdf)


  news   The Junior Businessmen are drawing the future of the SME's.    


Cairo October, 2009 - newspaper article from 13.10.2009 Business AL yom:

Business Al yom(Pdf)


  news   12 Projects before the Steering Committee of the Egyptian Junior Business Association.    


Cairo September, 2009 - newspaper article from 1.09.2009 Business AL yom:

Business Al yom(Pdf)

  news   8 major axes for consultation committee plan.    


Cairo August, 2009 - newspaper article from 18.08.2009 Al alam AL yom:




Big chains’ entering the market of Egypt’s villages is a required shift but...



Cairo August, 2009 - newspaper article from 13.08.2009 Al alam AL yom:


Al alam Al yom(Pdf)


  news   Junior Business are calling to establish a consultative union    


Cairo August, 2009 - newspaper article from 4.08.2009 Al alam AL yom:



Al alam Al yom(Pdf)



Economic consultancy is innocent and not responsible for the world economic crisis



Cairo July, 2009 - newspaper article from 26.07.2009 Al amwal:



Al amwal (Pdf)


  news   Investors welcome their partnership with the government and consider it a nail in the coffin of corruption    


Cairo July, 2009 - newspaper article from 19.07.2009 Al amwal:


Al amwal (Pdf)












  news   AEBCON Newsletter June 2009    






  The Training Course of Negotiation with strategy in English by Christoph Posselt and Caterina schoene    


Cairo June, 2009 - newspaper article from 9.06.2009 Al alam AL yom:






Prof. Volkwin Marg one of the main and founding partners of GMP architects during his visit to Cairo at The Cairo Expo City Architectural Design competition



Cairo 25 April, 2009 - Aebcon Newsletter article:





Positioned In Free Trade Economic Treaties Zone, Facilitated Egyptian Modernizations of the Economic Policies
Biggest Economy in North Africa attracts the largest part of the direct investments in the Region



Germany January, 2009 - BWA article:


BWA (pdf)



The establishment of the Arab Union for Health and Food
with 10 arab countries represented 65 founding members


CAIRO December, 2008 - newspaper article from the 1.12.2008, Al Ahram:


Arab Union (pdf)


    The Gulf Business women are more successfull !!?    

CAIRO November, 2008 - newspaper article from the 15.11.2008, Akhbar el-yom:



    BIB NEWS (Business Investment Banking)    

CAIRO November, 2008 - website article from the 11.11.2008, BIB NEWS:


    Egyptian Junior Business Association    

CAIRO September, 2008 - magazine article from the 9.2008, EJB magazine:

EJB magazine (PDF)


    Egyptian companies' complex in Germany to increase The Exports    

CAIRO April, 2008 - newspaper article from the 2.2008, Al Alam El Youm newspaper:


The Arab European business consulting "AEBCON" prepares to establish the Egyptian company's complex in Germany, aiming to open the German markets and increase the Egyptian exports to it.

This will also facilitate the presence of the Egyptian companies there. The initial cost is valued at ten million Egyptian pounds.                    

The deputy member of ABECON Dr. Hala El Hawary said: The Company is German – Egyptian (German origin). This project aims to increase the Egyptian exports to Germany through surmounting and removing all obstacles that might face Egyptian companies or its exports in Germany. 

She also pointed that this project is a complex for Egyptian companies. It is an incubator for the Egyptian companies' branches in Germany and under the umbrella of   "AEBCON".

will help set up the companies; hiring employees setting team work, secretaries, accountants, lawyers. ABECON a team of experts will help the companies to bring more clients.     

Furthermore, the complex  will include all  sectors of Egyptian industry like food, Engineering, furniture and printing industries, one of most important AEBCON project was to convince to German company from Leipzig reconstruct and modernize Alexandria Tram away, all in the frame work of supporting the commercial exchange between Egypt and Germany.
    Birmingham International Exhibition, 2008    

CAIRO February, 2008 - newspaper article from the 2.2008, Al Alam El Youm

Birmingham (PDF)


    Egyptian furniture In Meuble Paris, 2008    

CAIRO February, 2008 - newspaper article from the 4.2008, Al Alam El Youm


Meuble Paris (PDF)


    AEBCON works in the area of Medicine technology, infrastructure, energy projects and analyzes on site the investment chances in VAE    


DUBAI March, 2003 - newspaper article from the 24.03.03, el Itihad newspaper:



el Itihad Zeitung VAE

Original-Zeitungsartikel anzeigen (PDF)


German AEBCON performs official duties in the Middle East a group of the German enterprises which are active in different branches like hospital equipment, medicine technology, bridge building, power stations and other infrastructure projects. She analyzed different projects in your visit to select the fitting ones of it and to carry out common projects in the emirates.

The projects should serve the market in the gulf region. " Besides, VAE are the location for the representation of these enterprises in the gulf region ", like woman Dr. Hala el-Hawari whom representative of the German enterprises mentioned. During her visit in VAE she has dripped persons responsible of the government and from the private sector and has spoken about projects which can realize German enterprises in the gulf region. Dr. el-Hawari explained that in April a German delegation VAE visits, around the investment possibilities which were suggested by the partner companies on site concretizing.

Their special interest has dedicated Dr. El-Hawari, besides, to a project for gamma radiotherapy of certain food and medical products. This is an important investment chance for a transit land like VAE. Since many products cannot be exported to the EU, without they are sterilized. She said to the fact that AEBCON the possibilities check for the establishment of similar projects in the land.

The economic expert, Mr. R. El Zuhairi who investigates the regional possibilities for the activities that of AEBCON represented German enterprises stressed that the government persons responsible who has dripped Mrs. Dr . el-Hawari have repeated as necessary it is to support the transfer of German Know How and German technology about enterprise like AEBCON in VAE. The local economy can profit from the special, world-renowned German technology.Positive experiences with this world-best technology are spread in the Middle East very much, especially in Egypt. He said in addition, " the technology transfer also contain developing operations and improvement operations especially in the area of the project development what we just discuss ".
He explained that represents the enterprises, AEBCON, from there her activities in the whole gulf region can start.
The industrial consultant of the economic group, engineer Ahmed Sulayman, explained that the visit of the manager from AEBCON has led to reach a primary notification explanation of the common realization of two projects in VAE. The first project is the transfer of the technology for the production of Busschassee and the second one the complete equipment of a hospital in Dubai.

The activities of the economic group enclose marketing services, company of the German delegations in her visit in the Arabian lands, juridical consultation during the negotiations and the opening of new markets for the Arabian companies at the German market.

    Interview with Dr. El-Hawari    

in 2003 - contribution in the top magazine Leipzig - Ausgabe1_13. Year spring, 2003 under the column"people - electoral inhabitant of Leipzig "

Beitrag anzeigen (PDF) 


    Egyptian ambassador in Leipzig - AEBCON co-ordinates possible communal projects between Leipzig and Alexandria    

January, 2003 - ambassador of Egypt Mohamed Abdelhay M. El-Orabivisited Leipzig to discuss possible communal projects between Alexandria and Leipzig.

BILD: LVB-Chef Georg Hanss (l.), Mohamed Abdelhay M. El-Orabi,AEBCON Hala el-Hawari (r)

LVZ-Zeitungsartikel anzeigen (PDF)


    AEBCON joins to all4biz-expert's network    

August, 2002 - from now on belongs AEBCON to the expert's network all4biz. The network supports the AEBCON scope of business of E-business. all4biz makes easier enterprise the difficult search for the right service providers for her projects in the new media, in the classical IT area and for the communication area.

all4biz works like a " virtual factory ". The projects are steered centrally and realized by the connected partner enterprises in narrow vote. Thus even complicated plans can be realized in the highest quality reasonably.


    A big order from Egypt is the result of a successful visit of the export leader of the Beurer GmbH    

CAIRO May, 2002 - recently as the only representative of the successful German enterprise Beurer GmbH in Egypt active, organized AEBCON for the export leader Mr. Lindner contacts and appointments for a 3-day trip to Egypt.

Dr. El-Hawari prepared meetings with select partners before and accompanied the export leader. The professional presentation of the range of products of the Beurer GmbH before representatives of 24 distribution branches of a big Egyptian enterprise was very successful. A big order from Egypt could be realized.


New partner for marketing of Arabian real estates in Europe won

April, 2002 - AEBCON closes contract with Egyptian partners.

In her scope of business " AEBCON REAL ESTATE SERVICES " will support AEBCON for select, excluding villas, holidays arrangements, hotel, trade real estates and construction projects from the Arabian space the new partners with the marketing of the objects in Europe.

AEBCON will collect on site data and information, concept and production of the distribution media take over (pamphlets, plans, CD-ROM, video, Internet), with European partners cooperate (banks, Fontsgesellschaften be real estate enterprises) and together with the Egyptian partners at contract negotiations and inspections contact for the customers.

Contact: Kurt Lochte
, E-Mail:


    SENSLAB has good chances to set up in Egypt    

February, 2002 - After the 3-day visit of Dr. SENSLAB Geschäftsführes Gründig in Egypt, accompanied by Dr. Hala El-Hawari, AEBCON, both have returned with big contentment to Germany.

By in Cairo from AEBCON to prepared meetings different promising commercial contacts have originated. The demonstration of the innovative products SENSLAB on site opened new ways for future shops in the Middle East. A return visit of the Egyptian partner to tune the strategy of the marketing in the Middle East is planned in April, 2002 in Germany.

Dr. Sameh Abd El Shakour, Dekan vom Natinal Institute for Diabetes & Endocrinology Kairo,
Dr. Gründig, Dr. el- Hawari und eine Lehrkraft des Instituts


    AEBCON wins new business partners    

January 2002 - ULC Groupware GmbH and ULC Multimedia GmbH get new contractual partners of the AEBCON for multimedia and e-business fields.

Core competence of the ULC companies is the development of customer oriented multimedia, e-business, communication und organisation solutions, based on HTML, Java, XML, Domino, databases and the newest technologies like ASP.


    Ambassador Gamal Bayoumi greets the cooperation with AEBCON and the ULC Multimedia GmbH    

CAIRO October, 2001 - AEBCON initiated in Cairo for the German enterprise, the ULC Multimedia GmbH, represent by manager Kurt Lochte, a successful meeting with the ambassador, general secretary of the union of the Arabian investors and assistant of the Foreign Secretary Mr. Gamal Bayoumi, persons responsible of the " euro-Mediterranean partnership " for Egypt and with Mr. Awad, manager of the Arab African centre for marketing and Consultancy.

A.R. Awad, K. Lochte, Dr. H. el-Hawari, G. Bayoumi, Z. Awad, M. Awad

It was decided to sign together a " character of Of Agreement " which describes the future collaboration of all involved parties in the area of Economic consultation, e-commerce and marketing in projects in Europe and the Arabian world. Patron is the Council of Arab Economic Unity whose president is the former Egyptian Secretary of Commerce Dr. Guweyly.


    The board of directors one of the biggest Egyptian enterprises for porcelain greets the efforts AEBCON and the ideas of the ULC Multimedia GmbH for the possible extension of your outlets.    

October, 2001 - At a successful meeting with the chairman of the board man M. A. Abdel Wahab, Dr. el-Hawari and Mr. Kurt Lochte, was discussed the possibilities of a collaboration and a " character of Of Intent " was signed.

K.Lochte, M. A. Abdel Wahab, Dr. Hala el-Hawari



  Egyptian Minister for Strategic Industries supports AEBCON projects

06/09/2001 - AEBCON, representing the German company Lehmann Engineering in Egypt, briefs Mininister for Strategic Industries on future projects.

Minister Dr. Sayed Mashaal received Dr. Hala el-Hawari and Mr. Thilo Lehmann, CEO of Lehmann Engineering in Cairo.

Minister Dr. Sayed Mashaal, Dr. Hala el-Hawari, Thilo Lehmann<

The Minister was interested in cooperation and assured his support for the Lehmann projects in Egypt.

After the visit to the Minister, there were visits to various Egyptian companies. They also showed interest in working with the Lehmann Engineering Group.

During the five-day trip to Cairo, concrete projects were discussed, which will be occasion for future visits as well.



  The Egyptian Minister for the Environment Dr. Nadia Makram Ebeyd welcomes AEBCON's work on the environment and offers Lehmann Engineering its complete support.
CAIRO 06/10/2001 - At a meeting between Dr. Hala el-Hawari and Mr Lehmann, Managing Director of Lehmann Engineering
  The minister showed great interest in the environmental solutions presented to her, and assured the company of the continued support of the ministry for the projects.
Nadia Makram Ebeid